I am a Doer...a Teacher...
But as of late, I have been feeling like there is another major shift about to occur...
I have been feeling more of heading into a place of Being and Introspection...
More internal work, and less external...
More Being in a place of receptor and less in that as giver...
In beginning my sojourn into this New Year of 2012 it was from a most profound place of Peace, Sacred Reflection and Reverence.
December 31, 2011 was spent in quiet respite, repose and respectful awe upon the beauty of Nature and Our Beloved Mother...
As I set about the Holy, Blessed and most welcome task of putting to pen my Highest Intentions for the coming days and weeks of the next 12 months, an interesting pattern was emerging...
I noticed that the majority of my Intentions for this year were based on the realms of the internal, instead of manifestations of the external and physical world.
They began to flow almost automatically and seeming unconsciously as I placed my pen to paper, as if they had a life of their own...
As they continued to pour out, I began to experience a sense of overwhelming Peace, Joy and unbridled Ecstasy and Anticipation...
1. Live more mindfully from the heart and in a greater state of gratitude.
2. Cultivate unconditional self acceptance...and refuse to entertain or participate in the ego's drama of my own or others.
3. Keep dutifully a daily gratitude journal, morning pages and blogging.
5. Bless More...Curse and Complain Less.
6. Find and Connect with My Earthly Spiritual Posse.
7. For all answers sought...purposefully and immediately go within.
8. Turn off the TV...and incorporate more time for ritual, reading, inspiration, writing, creative pursuits, music, listening to the heart, communion with Creator and the Higher Realms, and time in nature and the Sacred Void.
9. Daily Define, Redefine & Affirm Focus, Passion & Clarity of Purpose & Vision.
10. Revisit, Assimilate and Finish "The Course in Miracles."
11. Live everyday from a place of Service, both through Action and from the Light of Higher Consciousness.
12. Say "I Don't Think So" to Fear, Hopelessness, Separation and Animosity...And "Yes" to Kindness, Compassion and Love.
And then in Big Bold strokes the Message ended...
As I began in earnest and excitement to incorporate and put into practice all that was given to me, I found my daily experiences just seemed to flow effortlessly and where much more joyful, rewarding and purposeful...and also, answers or guidance have been coming to me easily, even before I am aware of the need, in abundant and serendipitous ways...
Last night, in the Dreamtime, I experienced a profound and most welcome visitation from Beloved Brother Bear,as loving messenger and further validation that I am indeed, beginning a period of "entering the cave"...of going within...of making myself ready for the next point of initiation and welcoming teacher or teachers, on this ongoing journey of my soul...
He came in all his massive, regal & beautiful glory...first greeting me upright on hind legs, and then retreating to his four legged state & gently placing his head in my lap as we sat together against the majesty and comfort of the Great Tree of Life...his message pouring through me like honey...
Now is the time to empty the cup, so that I may become filled with new wisdom, new inspiration, new guidance...
I am shown that all of my spiritual practices and nature must be stepped up...
More time in the silence...in meditation, prayer, retreat, ceremony, ritual, places of the heart, listening to the messages of Spirit, Mother Earth and receptivity...
More time spent in writing, journeying, nature and creative pursuits...
And of allowing the guidance to flow...
More conscious focus on internal peace, wisdom and growth...
I am ready to be emptied and refilled, refueled and reinvented...
I am making ready the student so that the next teacher may soon appear...
To become like Bear and enter the safety of the womb-cave, we must attune ourselves to the energies of the Eternal Mother, and receive nourishment from the placenta of the Great Void. The Great Void is the place where all solutions and answers live in harmony with the questions that fill our realities. If we choose to believe that there are many questions to life, we must also believe that the answers to these questions reside within us. Each and every being has the capacity to quiet the mind, enter the silence and know.
Many tribes have called this space of inner-knowing the Dream Lodge, where the death of the illusion of physical reality overlays the expansiveness of eternity. It is in the Dream Lodge that our ancestors sit in Council and advise us regarding alternative pathways that lead to our purpose and goals. This is the power of Bear." ~Jamie Sams/David Carson
Message received...The student awaits and accepts her next assignment with Joy and Thanksgiving!...
And May the Blessings of Spirit abound.
"Bear...Invite me into the cave, where silence surrounds the answers you gave."