Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In Ceremony ~ The Joining of Two Hearts

There is a little known concept that for any couple (or at least it was little known to me until just very recently:), who for personal reasons choose not to "legally" marry or otherwise define the relationship in traditional terms, may decide to enter into a ceremony of commitment to one another. The Native Americans have a similar ritual called a "Join
ing Ceremony"

Commitment ceremonies can be simply a ritual to bless your relationship in the presence of family and friends, or an intimate exchange between you and your partner to celebrate your love.

These ceremonies can allow you to state the reasons why you decided to make the commitment, allow you to share what you love most of all about one another, give you the opportunity to share your hopes and desires of your future together and help to prepare you for the next chapter in your lives.

Some things that make commitment ceremonies special....

~ Giving a lot of thought to writing and personalizing your commitment vows.

~ Consider the addition of a traditional cultural ritual to acknowledge and honor your family ancestry. Adding a ritual can make your ceremony richer and more unique.

~ Choose a venue that has special significance for you both, the place of your first kiss or meeting.

Here is a beautiful example of one such ceremony...

A very simple ceremony is outside and near water, at sunset, on or around the time when the moon is full. Blessing or Wishing stones and seashells are gathered at the site not just for the couple themselves but for all that have gathered to pay witness to the exchange of vows...They are held throughout the entire ceremony filling them with good wishes, prayers, thoughts and intentions.

The couple then exchange their declaration of love...One to the other...

The woman (or first party) ~
"You are and have always been my best friend, with you in my life, I will always know home. I promise to care for your dreams as though they were my own and will give you the space and encouragement you need to follow those dreams and passions. I will always try to love you for what you are, not what you have been or might become. I will hold your heart gently through all of our lives together. I will laugh with you. I will be responsible for my life and my person. With you I will dance to an equal music. I will feed you when you are hungry, give you rest when you are tired, Listen when you are grumpy, tell you when I am afraid, Hold you in your sadness and laugh with you in your joy.
I promise to always be there for you. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect soul mate, and will always honor you just as you are. I promise to share with you my innermost fears, feelings and dreams, and when cloudy, wintry, sad days come I hope I can bring some sunshine into your life just as you have brought sunshine into mine. I promise to listen to you, to trust you and to nurture our shared goals of self-awareness and living life with our eyes wide open. I promise to love you both in good times and bad with all that I have to give, and all that I feel inside, in the only way I know, completely and forever."

The man (or second party) ~
"I stand here today to start the next journey of our life looking forward to our endless days together. I give my all to you. My support for your achievements, my counsel for your problems, my remedies for your ills, my prosperity for yours, my shoulder for your tears, my ear for your voice, my hand for companionship and my embrace for our shared love. I promise to be there to help when you need me, and to stand beside you, give you support and space when you don't. I will grow along with you and be willing to change to keep our relationship alive and exciting. I want you to know that I pledge to remember the harmfulness of ignorance, anger and clinging attachment, to recall the kindness of others and our connection to them. I vow to keep close to my heart those first tender steps we took towards each other with open arms and laughing eyes. I promise that our world together will be fulfilling, full of the seasons, walks, talks and many moments of perfect oneness. I promise to always be there for you. I vow to honor you, protect you, cherish you, and to love you now and till the end of time."

After the ceremony all follow the couple's procession to the water, each person makes a wish or blessing for them and casts their stone into the water. The ripples that are made represent the love and good wishes, not only for the couple, but for all the world... as our ripples cross and re-cross one another's, so do our love and good wishes touch and retouch all around us and those with whom we come into contact.


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