Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Fairy Tale Misnomers ~ Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?
by Kris Faso
"Up and out this morning...before I leave, I must say. My writing companion ~ Spirit ~ has me to say these things, or rather inspires me.

What's with this fear in the statement of ; Who's afraid of the big bad Wolf?
Wolves are not big and bad! They are wild, untamed, you just don't walk up to a wild animal. And you teach the youngers that, that's all.

And Humpty Dumpty!
Who the Humpty Dumpty anyway? Everything can be repaired, changed or otherwise replaced.
Couldn't put him back together again?
Why this is the day and age of technology and supreme discovery!

And how many of you are afraid to roll down a hill for fear of breaking your crown.
Come on! Jack and Jill!!
How about a John and Joan went up the hill to fetch a pale of water.
John picks a flower and presents it to Joan and they live happily ever after. How about that?

How about dropping the fear out of what is for joy, fun loving and, for all intensive purpose of this message, conditioning.
And please, let your child climb.
Dont tell them they will fall.
My goodness, they are your child.
Stop what you are doing and join them.
Encourage the challenge.
You can be there to catch them ~ IF they even fall.
And if they do, you can cushion the fall and then tell them about gravity or something, something that instills wonder and investigation of the real reality ~ which of course is limitless.

Kris is a Seer and Stone Reader and resides near Rochester, NY

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