March 16 at 12:26pm
And then there were 2...Sadly the 3rd member of our merry band has left to go back home...leaving just two of us, my handsome host and me, for a night out on the town beginning with dinner and dancing in Spanish Harlem...I think I can handle that:) God I love this Place! "She has become a wicked and wild bitch in her old age has Manhattan, but there is still no sensation in the world quite like walking her sidewalks. Great surges of energy sweep all around you as the air fizzes like champagne..." Tom Davies, 1979 (Couldn't have said it any better myself, Tom!)
Sunday, March 20th at 9:39am
These past few days, I have shared with you all little amusing snippets and anecdotes chronicling the hours and moments that I have spent during my time here in this most Beloved Place on the “Isle of Manhattan”...
And these past few days have brought back so many memories of days gone by, when I lived here for a short time in my Youth…
For here was the place of the birthing ground for a lifetime of dreams, hopes and passions…
It was here that they were born…
It is here that they have been reawakened
And it is here where they are now, at long last, being realized…
In just a few short days…
After a lifetime of searching…
I have come full circle…
And so, in this blog entry for today, I now, also wish to share with you the deeper aspect of what this time and place has come to mean in my life…
I do this because you have all been such a blessed part of my journey these past few years…
As I have come to regard so many of you,
My most Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
A vital part of my Journey, in Love and Truth…
This trip for me has meant so many things on so many levels…
Initially, it was a gift…part business, part pleasure…but a gift nonetheless…
A gift from a remarkable man…
Who shared & supported my Vision…
Who was moved by my Passion…
Who recognized my Gift…
Who saw the Goddess…
Who believed in my Heart…
And Who has brought into the Light for me,..
The true meaning of the term “soul mate”…
On every realm imaginable…
(A concept that up to this point, I have viewed with much trepidation)
I have also come to realize,
That this trip, This Most Sacred Gift…
Was Fully and Divinely Orchestrated through Spirit and by the Hand of God…
This Collaboration of Destiny…
This Union of Shared Passion and Vision...
This Dance of Unmistakable Grace…
Over the past few days I have miraculously been catapulted into the realm of every possibility for my life, my purpose, my passion and my mission….
And Today…Through This Gift…In This Time…
This dream of fulfilling a most sacred purpose driven mission…
Of expressing the passion that has been driving me since birth…
Has, as if in a single instant, been revealed, revisited, revised and reanimated through the eyes of another…
One who I have come to know as my “Twin Soul”…
One who has touched my spirit, heart and mind in ways he could never fully imagine…
In ways that words can never adequately express…
This journey of life that I have been on for some 58 years…
This sometimes arduous, most times joyous, never boring,
But always miraculous journey…
Has come to a pivotal point where it seems, that all at once, as Terrance Mann said in the movie "Field of Dreams"...
"There comes a time when all the cosmic tumblers have clicked into place and the universe opens itself up for a few seconds to show you what's possible."
This is my "Field of Dreams" moment!
A week of delightful surprises and serendipitous moments has already left me breathless with joyous anticipation of every future unfolding moment…
It is as if the Hand of the Divine has led me step by step to this instant of awakening…
To the True Meaning behind the Purpose of this Gift…
Today, innocently began with a lovely Sunday Brunch at “The Boathouse” in Central Park, followed by a quiet, peaceful stroll through the grounds…
At some point, during our afternoon respite, we find ourselves stopped mid way up top the bridge overlooking the duck pond.
I am absentmindedly lost in my surroundings and the company,
In blissful awe of the moment and this time...
And just when I am thinking..."It doesnt get any better than this!"
The silence is suddenly broken with a remarkable question...
"What do you want to BE in the world...what do you think you came here to do?”
The words surprisingly shoot out of my mouth without hesitation...
And I realize at once, that I am shouting…
All of a sudden, it as if the floodgates have been opened and I cannot stop myself…
"I want to Shine!
I want to be a Light!
I want to help others see their own Magnificent Light!
I want to make a difference!
I want to be an Instrument for the Peace of Divine Mind!
I want to be the Hands, Heart, and Voice of the Creator!
I want to fulfill the Purpose for which I was sent!
I want to live & die knowing I have sung my song!
I want to "burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars!" (quoting my lifelong mantra written by Jack Kerouac )...
Almost at once I am aware of my companion’s heavy breathing as he struggles to regain his composure upon hearing my words…
I am now painfully conscious and more than slightly embarrassed by my outburst in response to his query…
And sure, at this point, that this is more information, than he bargained for...
As I cautiously look up to view its effect…
I am witness to a moist eyed, mighty bulk of a man,
Who flashes me a smile that would light up the Sun...
Holding my hands so tight that I can no longer feel them…
His words come slowly, deliberately, thoughtfully…
Ringing through the air like a beautiful symphony…
"Oh, linda ángel de mi vida...BUT YOU DO!…
With your incredible talent every time you speak or write…you have such a unique relationship with words. Listen to me carefully, I have been in this business a long time...and you are one of the best I have ever known...because you write and speak from your heart and soul and every part of you. It's not just what you do...its who you are.
With your unprecedented gift of sight and connection into the higher worlds beyond the veil and the way you channel it to enhance the lives of others and make the world a better place.
With your beautiful smile and your magnificent heart that touches everyone you meet!…With the way that you connect with people…With the energy, kindness and joy that you bring to the world! And, for sure, with your outrageously brilliant sense of humor. You are so busy focusing on everyone elses Light, that you fail to see your own! I wish you could see what I see…
Why do you think I wanted you to come here? Why do you think I want us to work together? How can you not see and know all that you are?
You blow me out of the water!
You take my breath my away! You Do, Mi linda ángel, YOU DO!”
Shocked and overwhelmed…now I am the one who cannot breathe…
For a second, I am almost tempted to look around and see if he is talking to someonelse…
And if I am to be honest, even in the writing of this, I am still looking over my shoulder...
Still a little stunned and overwhelmed...not sure how to respond...
Still trying to process the observations and opinions that he so boldly and candidly shared...
Still reeling from his words bared with such emotion...
"Oh, linda ángel de mi vida"...
I am struggling to remember what little I can recall from my HS Spanish classes...
Where or where is Sister Alena when I need her?
Loosely translated, I think..."Oh, beautiful angel of my life"...
Is this correct? Is this what he really meant to say?...
But, even with all of this internal babbling & confusion going on inside my puny little brain...
It suddenly all becomes so infinitely clear...
Like the song says..."Blinded by the Light!"
In one short instant comes the intensely overpowering awareness…
That my entire life has been leading me to this one miraculous moment…
To this incredible gift…
To this blessed man…
Who has come to be so much more than a friend…
To this momentus collaboration…
To this most sacred of unions….
WOW!..Can the Universe cook or can't She!
Hauntingly familiar words deafeningly ringing in my ears...
Message received...
Loud and clear...
Over and Out...
10/4 Good Buddy...
"Ask and you will receive...Seek and you will find...Knock and the door will be opened to you"
These past few days,
I have blessedly learned what it means to find and express that which truly feeds my Spirit…
I have laughed, cried, sung, felt unbelievable connectedness, joy, celebration and sense of purpose…
“Dancing with eyes half closed because to open them would break the spell. Dancing as if language had surrendered to movement - as if this ritual, this wordless ceremony, was now the way to speak, to whisper private and sacred things, to be in touch with some otherness. Dancing as if the very heart of life and all its hopes might be found in those assuaging notes and those hushed rhythms and in those silent and hypnotic movements. Dancing as if language no longer existed because words were no longer necessary ...”
-Brian Fiel (Closing lines from the play “Dancing at Lughnasa”)
My Play…This Act…
This Most Sacred Dance,
My Beloved Friends…
Has only just begun…
The Circle is Complete…
The Prodigal Daughter has returned…
I Am Home at Last!
Sunday, March 20th at 6:45pmAnd these past few days have brought back so many memories of days gone by, when I lived here for a short time in my Youth…
For here was the place of the birthing ground for a lifetime of dreams, hopes and passions…
It was here that they were born…
It is here that they have been reawakened
And it is here where they are now, at long last, being realized…
In just a few short days…
After a lifetime of searching…
I have come full circle…
And so, in this blog entry for today, I now, also wish to share with you the deeper aspect of what this time and place has come to mean in my life…
I do this because you have all been such a blessed part of my journey these past few years…
As I have come to regard so many of you,
My most Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
A vital part of my Journey, in Love and Truth…
This trip for me has meant so many things on so many levels…
Initially, it was a gift…part business, part pleasure…but a gift nonetheless…
A gift from a remarkable man…
Who shared & supported my Vision…
Who was moved by my Passion…
Who recognized my Gift…
Who saw the Goddess…
Who believed in my Heart…
And Who has brought into the Light for me,..
The true meaning of the term “soul mate”…
On every realm imaginable…
(A concept that up to this point, I have viewed with much trepidation)
I have also come to realize,
That this trip, This Most Sacred Gift…
Was Fully and Divinely Orchestrated through Spirit and by the Hand of God…
This Collaboration of Destiny…
This Union of Shared Passion and Vision...
This Dance of Unmistakable Grace…
Over the past few days I have miraculously been catapulted into the realm of every possibility for my life, my purpose, my passion and my mission….
And Today…Through This Gift…In This Time…
This dream of fulfilling a most sacred purpose driven mission…
Of expressing the passion that has been driving me since birth…
Has, as if in a single instant, been revealed, revisited, revised and reanimated through the eyes of another…
One who I have come to know as my “Twin Soul”…
One who has touched my spirit, heart and mind in ways he could never fully imagine…
In ways that words can never adequately express…
This journey of life that I have been on for some 58 years…
This sometimes arduous, most times joyous, never boring,
But always miraculous journey…
Has come to a pivotal point where it seems, that all at once, as Terrance Mann said in the movie "Field of Dreams"...
"There comes a time when all the cosmic tumblers have clicked into place and the universe opens itself up for a few seconds to show you what's possible."
This is my "Field of Dreams" moment!
A week of delightful surprises and serendipitous moments has already left me breathless with joyous anticipation of every future unfolding moment…
It is as if the Hand of the Divine has led me step by step to this instant of awakening…
To the True Meaning behind the Purpose of this Gift…
Today, innocently began with a lovely Sunday Brunch at “The Boathouse” in Central Park, followed by a quiet, peaceful stroll through the grounds…
At some point, during our afternoon respite, we find ourselves stopped mid way up top the bridge overlooking the duck pond.
I am absentmindedly lost in my surroundings and the company,
In blissful awe of the moment and this time...
And just when I am thinking..."It doesnt get any better than this!"
The silence is suddenly broken with a remarkable question...
"What do you want to BE in the world...what do you think you came here to do?”
The words surprisingly shoot out of my mouth without hesitation...
And I realize at once, that I am shouting…
All of a sudden, it as if the floodgates have been opened and I cannot stop myself…
"I want to Shine!
I want to be a Light!
I want to help others see their own Magnificent Light!
I want to make a difference!
I want to be an Instrument for the Peace of Divine Mind!
I want to be the Hands, Heart, and Voice of the Creator!
I want to fulfill the Purpose for which I was sent!
I want to live & die knowing I have sung my song!
I want to "burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars!" (quoting my lifelong mantra written by Jack Kerouac )...
Almost at once I am aware of my companion’s heavy breathing as he struggles to regain his composure upon hearing my words…
I am now painfully conscious and more than slightly embarrassed by my outburst in response to his query…
And sure, at this point, that this is more information, than he bargained for...
As I cautiously look up to view its effect…
I am witness to a moist eyed, mighty bulk of a man,
Who flashes me a smile that would light up the Sun...
Holding my hands so tight that I can no longer feel them…
His words come slowly, deliberately, thoughtfully…
Ringing through the air like a beautiful symphony…
"Oh, linda ángel de mi vida...BUT YOU DO!…
With your incredible talent every time you speak or write…you have such a unique relationship with words. Listen to me carefully, I have been in this business a long time...and you are one of the best I have ever known...because you write and speak from your heart and soul and every part of you. It's not just what you do...its who you are.
With your unprecedented gift of sight and connection into the higher worlds beyond the veil and the way you channel it to enhance the lives of others and make the world a better place.
With your beautiful smile and your magnificent heart that touches everyone you meet!…With the way that you connect with people…With the energy, kindness and joy that you bring to the world! And, for sure, with your outrageously brilliant sense of humor. You are so busy focusing on everyone elses Light, that you fail to see your own! I wish you could see what I see…
Why do you think I wanted you to come here? Why do you think I want us to work together? How can you not see and know all that you are?
You blow me out of the water!
You take my breath my away! You Do, Mi linda ángel, YOU DO!”
Shocked and overwhelmed…now I am the one who cannot breathe…
For a second, I am almost tempted to look around and see if he is talking to someonelse…
And if I am to be honest, even in the writing of this, I am still looking over my shoulder...
Still a little stunned and overwhelmed...not sure how to respond...
Still trying to process the observations and opinions that he so boldly and candidly shared...
Still reeling from his words bared with such emotion...
"Oh, linda ángel de mi vida"...
I am struggling to remember what little I can recall from my HS Spanish classes...
Where or where is Sister Alena when I need her?
Loosely translated, I think..."Oh, beautiful angel of my life"...
Is this correct? Is this what he really meant to say?...
But, even with all of this internal babbling & confusion going on inside my puny little brain...
It suddenly all becomes so infinitely clear...
Like the song says..."Blinded by the Light!"
In one short instant comes the intensely overpowering awareness…
That my entire life has been leading me to this one miraculous moment…
To this incredible gift…
To this blessed man…
Who has come to be so much more than a friend…
To this momentus collaboration…
To this most sacred of unions….
WOW!..Can the Universe cook or can't She!
Hauntingly familiar words deafeningly ringing in my ears...
Message received...
Loud and clear...
Over and Out...
10/4 Good Buddy...
"Ask and you will receive...Seek and you will find...Knock and the door will be opened to you"
These past few days,
I have blessedly learned what it means to find and express that which truly feeds my Spirit…
I have laughed, cried, sung, felt unbelievable connectedness, joy, celebration and sense of purpose…
“Dancing with eyes half closed because to open them would break the spell. Dancing as if language had surrendered to movement - as if this ritual, this wordless ceremony, was now the way to speak, to whisper private and sacred things, to be in touch with some otherness. Dancing as if the very heart of life and all its hopes might be found in those assuaging notes and those hushed rhythms and in those silent and hypnotic movements. Dancing as if language no longer existed because words were no longer necessary ...”
-Brian Fiel (Closing lines from the play “Dancing at Lughnasa”)
My Play…This Act…
This Most Sacred Dance,
My Beloved Friends…
Has only just begun…
The Circle is Complete…
The Prodigal Daughter has returned…
I Am Home at Last!
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