Prayers for Our Beloved Luna ~ by Linda Living Joy Lorenzo ~
by Linda Living Joy Lorenzo on Friday, October 9, 2009 at 3:05am
My Most Beloved Friends,
I beg your indulgence...
That I must begin with a warning...
And an apology...
This night has not been Pretty...
And Yes, This is in part...
A Rant...
But it is also...
A Call for Heavenly Intervention,
And Divine Dispensation...
Sometimes the depths of the insanity becomes overwhelming...
And I lack the foresight, wisdom and where-with-all to understand...
This morning the US government, in all its infinite wisdom,
Obviously deciding they have done enough damage to Our Home,
Our Most Beloved Mother Earth...
And, apparently unable to decipher anymore novel ways to wreak further destruction upon Her...
As most of you know...
Is now going after Our most Sacred Moon...
NASA is literally planning on bombing Her...
Make no mistake...
This is no exaggeration...
Or over- the- top ploy...
The stage is are go...
They are going to bomb the Moon!
Even though I have had knowledge of this for some time now...
Last night the magnitude of this insanity really hit me,
As I watched the 11:00 "news report", (and I use the term loosely)
Those who would call themselves journalists,
Those from my chosen profession,
A profession that, I believed, once was of the most noblest on the planet.
Spewing out this "news", with wide toothy grins,
With about as much sobriety,
As if it were a recant of a hog calling contest at the State Fair.
Behaving like breast fed, government issue, clueless automatons.
Reporting it as, simply, "an experiment right out of a Science Fiction novel...Yuck, Yuck, Yuck..."
I am certain that my personal journalistic hero, Edward R.Murrow is,
Even as I write this, madly puffing on his Camels and beating his fists widely,
Sending the angels reeling from his fury,
As he broadcasts this travesty, high atop his heavenly newsroom.
My stomach is turning...
My head is spinning in incredulous horror...
My tears are showing no signs of drying...
It is at times like these, I wonder how we will ever break through...
Although I know, in my soul, we will...
How can those with eyes to see...
Consciously and Deliberately, continue to remain blind,
To the self serving agendas of the elite...
And to the seeming never-ending destruction of the Universe.
Please, if you understand the possible and probable ramifications of this insanity,
Of this unbelievably horrific and irresponsible act...
Do what you can...
Act as you must...
And if you feel so moved, post this note on your wall.
Rant, Rave, Howl,
Stomp your feet, Shake your fists,
Rattle the bastions of the Heavens,
Storm the gates of the Universal Palaces,
Do so, not through the eyes of fear...
But with Clarity of Vision!
Pray, Meditate, Set the Intentions,
Project Great Streams of Light and Healing Energy,
Send endless Blessing to our Beloved Luna,
And, above all else, beg her Forgiveness.
Let Spirit know, this is not of the intention, nor the actions,
Of the majority of the offspring of Gaia!
Raise Your Hearts and Voices...
Cry from the very depths of your Souls to the Sky...
Beloved Grand Mother Moon...
We who are your Children...
With most Profound Gratitude, Respect and Sadness...
Send you Great Oceans of Comfort, Love and Healing Light...
And So It Is!!!!
And So May it Be!!!

I beg your indulgence...
That I must begin with a warning...
And an apology...
This night has not been Pretty...
And Yes, This is in part...
A Rant...
But it is also...
A Call for Heavenly Intervention,
And Divine Dispensation...
Sometimes the depths of the insanity becomes overwhelming...
And I lack the foresight, wisdom and where-with-all to understand...
This morning the US government, in all its infinite wisdom,
Obviously deciding they have done enough damage to Our Home,
Our Most Beloved Mother Earth...
And, apparently unable to decipher anymore novel ways to wreak further destruction upon Her...
As most of you know...
Is now going after Our most Sacred Moon...
NASA is literally planning on bombing Her...
Make no mistake...
This is no exaggeration...
Or over- the- top ploy...
The stage is are go...
They are going to bomb the Moon!
Even though I have had knowledge of this for some time now...
Last night the magnitude of this insanity really hit me,
As I watched the 11:00 "news report", (and I use the term loosely)
Those who would call themselves journalists,
Those from my chosen profession,
A profession that, I believed, once was of the most noblest on the planet.
Spewing out this "news", with wide toothy grins,
With about as much sobriety,
As if it were a recant of a hog calling contest at the State Fair.
Behaving like breast fed, government issue, clueless automatons.
Reporting it as, simply, "an experiment right out of a Science Fiction novel...Yuck, Yuck, Yuck..."
I am certain that my personal journalistic hero, Edward R.Murrow is,
Even as I write this, madly puffing on his Camels and beating his fists widely,
Sending the angels reeling from his fury,
As he broadcasts this travesty, high atop his heavenly newsroom.
My stomach is turning...
My head is spinning in incredulous horror...
My tears are showing no signs of drying...
It is at times like these, I wonder how we will ever break through...
Although I know, in my soul, we will...
How can those with eyes to see...
Consciously and Deliberately, continue to remain blind,
To the self serving agendas of the elite...
And to the seeming never-ending destruction of the Universe.
Please, if you understand the possible and probable ramifications of this insanity,
Of this unbelievably horrific and irresponsible act...
Do what you can...
Act as you must...
And if you feel so moved, post this note on your wall.
Rant, Rave, Howl,
Stomp your feet, Shake your fists,
Rattle the bastions of the Heavens,
Storm the gates of the Universal Palaces,
Do so, not through the eyes of fear...
But with Clarity of Vision!
Pray, Meditate, Set the Intentions,
Project Great Streams of Light and Healing Energy,
Send endless Blessing to our Beloved Luna,
And, above all else, beg her Forgiveness.
Let Spirit know, this is not of the intention, nor the actions,
Of the majority of the offspring of Gaia!
Raise Your Hearts and Voices...
Cry from the very depths of your Souls to the Sky...
Beloved Grand Mother Moon...
We who are your Children...
With most Profound Gratitude, Respect and Sadness...
Send you Great Oceans of Comfort, Love and Healing Light...
And So It Is!!!!
And So May it Be!!!
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