On Laughter...
by Linda Living Joy Lorenzo on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 1:06pm
It has been some time since I posted a sharing,
as I have been happily, joyously and busily working on my multiple book projects
and by gratefully serving Spirit by connecting with so many incredible and wonderful souls
through my Intuitive Work....
Some of you may or may not know, this about me,
that among my many interests and projects, a few years ago,
as I excitedly embarked on my new authentically Spirit driven life, journey & mission
as a "POJ" ("Practitioner of Joy!") & SWW ("Sacred Wild Woman"),
I quite synchronistically "stumbled" upon
an incredibly effective and joyous activity,
called Laughter Yoga...
I currently facilitate groups in my area,
and have found that it fits in beautifully with my philosophy and focus in Life.
The following sharing is from the person,
who is responsible for creating this phenomenon worldwide,
Dr. Madan Kataria
Please enjoy this piece from his "Diary" and I invite you to check out his website
and also check to see if there are any offerings of this practice in your own area.
Also, included is a profound treatise from, "I heard God Laughing" by Hafiz...
So I invite you to take a break, sit back, relax, enjoy and remember to smile!
...And a special Thank You, to Dr. Kataria,
for the Light and Laughter and Well Being that he brings to the world!
Many Blessings to you and your beautiful wife, Madhuri!
Please also, be on the lookout for my two new books,
which will be available by the end of the year...
"Powered by Joy" and "The Native Heart"...
Have a Light and Laughter filled week...
And Remember to just Laugh...
Laugh at your Life...
Laugh at yourself...
Laugh at it ALL!
"Be" the Light!
"Be the Peace!
"Be" the Love!
Make your Journey a Joy!
"Turn on your "Heartlight"...
Let it shine, wherever you go...
Let it make a happy glow
For all the world to see!
Turn on your heartlight now!" ~ Neil Diamond
This is truly, Our most Sacred Mission...
It is Our Path!
It is Our Purpose!
Much Love to you ALL!!!
Laugh At Your Own Self -- A Value Based Exercise
by Dr. Mada Kataria creator of "Laughter Yoga"
A major problem we face today is that we have become overly sensitive to what people say. We always give a meaning to the words, even though the person might not have meant what we interpreted. This hurts, and we keep on suffering. This happens because of the ego mind and one of the best ego busting exercise we do in laughter clubs is to laugh at your own self.
Laughing at your own self does not mean you are demeaning yourself or making fun and degrading yourself. Also, it does not mean that you're losing your self-respect. It only helps to release us from unrealistic and harsh expectations we impose on ourselves. It also helps us to appreciate the fact that we are not perfect; we all have weaknesses and inconsistencies. Once you accept all your shortcomings and weaknesses there is room for improvement. There is nothing to hide from others. There is no need to wear the masks of “looking good". You have complete freedom to create what is good for you without bothering about what others might think about you.
Accepting Responsibility
Laughing at you own self allows you not to take yourself seriously, but to take your responsibilities seriously. There is an ancient saying in India --" You are your own friend and enemy". You are totally responsible for what happens in your life, Never blame others for it, because no one can harm or do anything wrong with you without your permission.
Most of the time, we complain about government, politicians, partners, neighbors and competitors for things going wrong. Not just this, we also do not spare God! We crib about fate and destiny, but refuse to accept our own responsibility. The moment you accept the responsibility and take control of life, the transformation happens. It is the beginning of your spiritual and personal growth.
Now, analyzing from a larger perspective, the fact is that even you are not responsible for anything which happens. It is a part of the universal design that whatever happens, happens for a reason and is good for you. Therefore, if you are accepting and are in harmony and oneness with nature, you are not in conflict with any one. Once you are at peace with yourself, you become more creative and are able to find a solution for your problems.
In other words, the world is Maya- the play of the creation; According to Shakespeare the world is a stage and we are all actors. We react because we do not have the ability to accept reality. When things are not in accordance with our expectations, we either deny it or keep suffering while blaming it on others.
Laugh at your own self though a physical exercise has a deep impact on the mind. It enables you to overcome your ego and point a finger at yourself and not at others. It helps you to accept the truth and become a more positive and responsible person.
What is laughter? What is laughter?
It is God waking up! O it is God waking up!
It is the sun poking its sweet head out
From behind a cloud
You have been carrying too long,
Veiling your eyes and heart.
It is Light breaking ground for a great Structure
That is your Real body - called Truth.
It is happiness applauding itself and then taking flight
To embrace everyone and everything in this world.
Laughter is the polestar
Held in the sky by our Beloved,
Who eternally says,
"Yes, dear ones, come this way,
Come this way towards Me and Love!
Come with your tender mouths moving
And your beautiful tongues conducting songs
And with your movements - your magic movements
Of hands and feet and glands and cells - Dancing!
Know that to God's Eye,
All movement is a Wondrous Language,
And Music - such exquisite, wild Music!"
O what is laughter, Hafiz?
What is this precious love and laughter
Budding in our hearts?
It is the glorious sound
Of a soul waking up!
~ Hafiz ~
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