Friday, June 24, 2011

2008 - The Great Leap that would not be denied ~ (LLJL)

2008 - The Great Leap that would not be denied.

by Linda Living Joy Lorenzo on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 8:48pm
2008 - The Great Leap - Linda Lorenzo

Looking back on this past year, has been an emotional and moving experience.

It was a year of many changes and transitions...most self imposed, but not without some sense of trepidation and at times moments of stark terror in moving into uncomfortable and unfamiliar territory.

This was the year of significant endings and life altering beginnings.

Making the transition from the security of for over 30 years, relying on a corporate paycheck for my livelihood, to the unknown world of self employment.
The releasing of & moving on from several significant relationships that no longer served my rapidly shifting values, beliefs and lifestyle.

I was entering strange new & untrod ground...a move that would have terrified me just a couple years ago.

It was a leap of faith...with not much of a net, to speak of...with no idea what was ahead or what I was doing...heading out into the unknown, on my own, armed only with the feeling in my gut that it could not be any other way.

Moving forward based only on the intense passion that comes with the knowing, that you can no longer live a life that is not in complete alignment with your true purpose and mission, a life of pure had me and it had taken on a life of its own...

It was the leap that could not, and would not, be denied.

Through it all, yes, my faith was tested, challenged, bombarded and attacked. And in spite of it all, or maybe I should say, because of it all...I have reached a point in my life of experiencing the exhilaration of true Freedom, Acceptance and Joy.

I have learned that we must be willing to joyously release who we have been...
to become who we were meant to be!

I have learned that I already have everything that I need...
and that all that I have...and all that I Am, is enough.

I have learned to trust completely on Spirit and the unseen but ever-present forces of the Universe that are, truly, conspiring on my behalf...and then, to release all into their loving embrace & perfect unfoldment.

I have learned that all I need to do is dream, show up...and let Spirit deliver my dream to the world.

I have learned that I am not alone, neither on this plane or any other. That, we were not put here to accomplish our dreams, desires, purpose and mission alone...that there are not only heavenly angels and helpers, but, also, earth angels who were sent to walk this path with us.

I would never had made it to this place of incredible joy, freedom, fulfillment, peace and purpose without the help of those earth angels...they have been there with me throughout this process in many forms and situations, family, children, friends, mentors and strangers...they have bailed me out and lifted me up.

Some are my mentors, sheros and life examples, who are not aware of their contribution and the influence they have had over my life, through their writings and spiritual work. They have been there also, giving me the strength, courage & inspiration to dare to live a life without compromise...

I have, blessedly, spent this year in the beautiful reverie of "entertaining angels, unaware".

I have indeed been richly blessed this year in so many ways, beyond measure, heaped up and to overflowing. But what I am most grateful for were the gifts of the heart...the gifts that I received through it all, from my fellow travelers, teachers, mentors...friends.

Without fail, they have...

-Supported, encouraged, poked and prodded me to express my highest and best.

-Come into my life in miraculous and serendipitous ways.

-Said "Yes!"...when I know what they really wanted to say was "No!"

-Kept me steady...and away from the edge.

-Pushed me beyond my comfort zone...and when I was ready to fly...pushed me back to the edge again.

-Graced me with their unconditional love, wisdom, acceptance and understanding.

-Held the vision for me...when my faith was all but gone.

-Hugged me & held me tight...with warm and open arms.

-Made me laugh...until I was breathless and sore.

-Healed me...when I was broken and tired.

-Always kept the faith...for me...and in me.

-Patiently listened & listened & then listened some more...when I know how tired they were of listening.

-Offered me invaluable wisdom, infinite compassion...and soggy shoulders to cry on.

-Showed me in so many grateful they were that I was here.

-Gave me the opportunity to serve... and to love them in return.

-Miraculously made that timely phone call, wrote that email, gave me that smile or touch...and said just the right words that I needed to hear.

-Became my Fairy Godmothers (and) Godfathers...waving their magic over my world.

-Blessed me with their sincere & positive intentions...and their non-judgmental & loving feedback.

-And, Always, held me up in the Light of their Friendship and Love...

Giving Spirit the Glory...


From every part of my being & all that I Am.

I gratefully & lovingly dedicate this remarkable year to them!

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